Why irec index?

For each of your wind or PV power plants, irec index enable you to:
- Quantify the production variation due to variation in resources
An indicator for your reporting: What level of resource was observed last month compared to the long-term average?
- Explain production deviation with the budget
How much of the difference can be explained by the resource itself?
- Estimate the effective P50 value
What is the expected long-term average production capacity based on my plant's current performance?
- Monitor the production capacity of your asset portfolio and detect performance drifts
Which assets should I focus on, for a more in-depth analysis?
A single energy indicator for monthly monitoring of your wind and solar power plants
- Directly comparable to the output of your power plants
The index reflects the variation in production over time. For example, the solar index takes into account the effects of temperature, not just irradiation, just as the wind index takes into account changes in wind farm output, not wind speed.
- Consistent over time to provide a reliable long-term perspective on production
Measured data on site (irradiation or wind speeds) are only available since commissioning and are associated with a risk of drift over time (deterioration in measurement quality, changes in measurement conditions, sensor calibration, etc.).
- A long-lasting tool involving few technical and financial constraints
Easier to implement over the long term (i.e. logistics/maintenance of the measurement installation over more than a decade)
- Independent from the plant itself and generated by a third part expert