irec index

Index energetique masthead

irec index, an essential tool to monitor the production of your wind and PV assets

Over 800 renewable assets monitored worldwide

As the variations of the resource are usually the main cause of productions variations, monitoring the production of wind and solar assets requires an indicator to quantify the variation of the resource. As such, irec indexes are essential tools for operators and asset managers, as they enable to get an overview of the production capacity of their portfolio and follow it over time.

For more than 10 years, Eoltech has developed expertise in the design of energy indexes. Irec indexes which help operators and asset managers monitor more than 800 operating assets is a recognised benchmark for production monitoring.

An energy index of 91% indicates a shortfall in production of 9% (below-average resource - less wind or irradiation than the long-term average).

Monthly energy indexes for your reporting

Wind and solar are delivered each month to enable the production monitoring of your assets and your monthly reporting (from 100€/index/year). Historical databases can also be provided in order to check the performance stability of an asset or of an entire portfolio.

For more information on monthly wind energy indexes:

For more information on monthly solar indexes, please contact us by email at the following address: